Drueding Center helps
families experiencing
homelessness to heal
from trauma, restore hope,
and end the cycle of
We are committed to helping families experiencing homelessness build skills to heal from trauma, restore hope, and end the cycle of homelessness through a trauma-informed and housing first approach.
Having a home means more to our families than simply providing safe, reliable housing. It is the foundation for improved health, well-being, self-sufficiency, and building a better life for the next generation.
Residential Services
Our Residential Services immediately provides the first step to ending homelessness by providing transitional housing at Drueding Center. We believe in walking alongside our families experiencing homelessness and allowing them to lead the process of rebuilding their lives.
Community Services
Community Services provides case management support to families when they move into housing. We stay involved with our families for up to seven years after leaving transitional housing at Drueding Center, making a return to homelessness very rare.
Child Care Services
While child care is often a barrier for single parents to maintain employment and a reliable income, parents in our program can stay focused on their goals knowing their children are receiving high-quality care and education.
Green Light Food Pantry
This innovative food program provides exclusively healthy food and allows families to make their own selections. Unlike other food pantries that offer mostly shelf-stable foods, the Green Light Food Pantry presents only nutritious items such as fresh produce, dairy, and proteins.