Drueding Center Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors includes business and community leaders who are committed to ensuring that Drueding Center continues to support families in our community by helping to heal from trauma, restore hope, and end homelessness.


Charlotte O. McKines

Linda Perkins
Vice Chair


Sr. Anne Marie Haas, CSR
Sr. Kimberly Kessler, CSR
Anne Marie Collins
Joseph Denny
Bernard J. Drueding, III
Lisa Duda, Esq.
Nyfisa C. Hodges- Rabb*
Lauren Lambrugo
Mena Larmour, Esq.
Catherine Drueding Parker
Wanda Richards, Esq.
Ayesha Selden
Larry Stuardi
Gregory Wozniak

 *Drueding Center graduate

Leadership Team

Auxiliary Board