Green Light
Food Pantry
We know that food is the foundation for a happy and healthy life. But not just any food. Nutritious and wholesome food reduces the occurrence of chronic diseases. It gives fuel to children as they learn and grow.
That’s the focus of the Green Light Food Pantry at Drueding Center – promoting healthy eating and positive lifestyle changes while helping food-insecure families put food on the table. Unlike other food pantries that provide mostly shelf-stable foods, the Green Light Food Pantry provides only healthy and nutritious food selections to Drueding Center families, graduates, staff, and any family in need of food in our community.
The Green Light Food Pantry offers an innovative “choice-model” food program that allows families to “shop” for exclusively healthy foods, including fresh produce, whole grain pasta and cereals, dairy, and lean proteins. The Green Light Pantry also offers cooking and nutrition classes. Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve had to adapt our programs to keep everyone safe by distributing pre-packaged food bags and offering virtual cooking classes.
Give Our Community
Food and Hope
More and more families are struggling to keep food on the table. Your generous donations help us fight hunger and nourish our community. We are always accepting healthy food donations at the Green Light Pantry at Drueding Center. To donate, view our listing of accepted foods and contact our Food Pantry Coordinator at 215-787-3263
Did You Know?
“Green Light Foods” is a system developed by the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank that ranks foods based on their Nutritional Facts labels and the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines. The healthy food provided at Green Light Food Pantry meets these standards. Our Pantry at Drueding Center is one of only two Green Light Pantries in Philadelphia.
Community Members Facing Hunger
By the Numbers
Households in the United States are food insecure
The increased likelihood of families with very low food security to have chronic diseases and healthy conditions
People in Philadelphia lacking access to nutritious food
Philadelphia’s poverty rate
Of Philadelphia school students live in food-insecure homes